Spruce Grove Trade Area Population
13 Jan 2020
Spruce Grove trade area population is expected to grow from 138,00 to 167,000 by 2027. This expected growth shows just how much Spruce Grove is growing and expanding! The trade area surrounding Spruce Grove allows the businesses of Spruce Grove with a plentiful customer base for businesses. Retail businesses are particularly successful in Spruce Grove and its surrounding trade area, accounting for $1.9 Billion in the retail market! Businesses such as grocery stores, restaurants, clothing and apparel stores, and hobby shops located in the area. Spruce Grove residents were surveyed with the results showing that local residence want more food and beverage companies as well as clothing and apparel stores to locate to their area. Spruce Grove trade area population is plentiful and business is growing, making it an ideal location for any business owner looking for a prime location! For more information visit our website.
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