Panel on the Future of Augmented Reality and 3D in Commerce

Panel on the Future of Augmented Reality and 3D in Commerce Main Photo

20 May 2021


Join us on June 9th from 3:00pm to 4:00pm ET for a much-anticipated live panel on the future of augmented reality (AR) and 3D in ecommerce, co-hosted by and Threekit Technologies Inc. During this live interactive discussion, we will explore the capacity and promise of AR and 3D solutions to digital marketing, brand awareness and the online shopping experience, which will further enable Canada’s well-trusted brands to rise above their competition.

A surge in ecommerce was already occurring prior to the pandemic, but with more Canadians shopping online than ever before, Canada’s brands must leverage new technologies to improve their performance and accelerate their presence online. AR and 3D visualizations can provide them with opportunities to achieve that objective.

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