City Council approves land redistricting for Myshak Metro Ballpark

City Council approves land redistricting for Myshak Metro Ballpark Main Photo

11 Mar 2022


Spruce Grove is getting its ducks in a row for the construction of Myshak Metro Ballpark.

During the regular council meeting on Feb. 28, City Council unanimously voted to approve the third reading of a ‘Land Use Bylaw’ amendment permitting the redistricting of a portion of land located northeast of Pioneer Road and Highway 16A in preparation for the first phase of the ballpark’s construction.

Bylaw C-1191-22 will redistrict approximately 0.61 hectares of land from the City’s P2 (Natural Areas District) and UR (Urban Reserve District) to P1 (Parks and Recreation District). The redistricting is consistent with the ‘East Pioneer Area Structure Plan,’ and its approval will enable the expansion of a stormwater management facility required for the first stage of development in the ‘Ball Park District.’

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