City of Spruce Grove Launches Redesigned Website

City of Spruce Grove Launches Redesigned Website Main Photo

29 Mar 2021

SPRUCE GROVE, AB -- The City of Spruce Grove recently launched a redesigned website to further strengthen its online presence and economic growth. The newly redesigned website features modern design elements, updated images, a series of videos, and is user-friendly with easy-to-scan information. One of the new features includes “Business Stories” that give visitors an immediate idea of who is already operating in the city.

“One goal we had was to feature our existing businesses in more detail. This helps with our investment attraction efforts,” said Anika Gutowski, Economic Development Coordinator at City of Spruce Grove. “We also use the GIS Planning Site Locator Tool and the fact that it integrates so well with Golden Shovel websites is invaluable.” This integration allows the City to promote available properties and share demographic and economic data specific to Spruce Grove.

By promoting the City’s Economic Development initiatives, this redesigned website will help prospective investors to not only realize Spruce Grove’s competitive advantages, but will also help them understand what the City has done to ensure they remain competitive and attractive to businesses. By featuring existing businesses, major investment projects, local talent, and a database of available sites and buildings, demonstrates that it is a desirable location for local, national, and international companies.

The City of Spruce Grove collaborated with Golden Shovel Agency for its redesign project. The national economic development communications firm is recognized for its award-winning design and expertise in business and workforce attraction. “The Economic Gateway CMS is well-designed and meets the needs for Economic Development-related content. The SEO that Golden Shovel provides has proven to be incredibly valuable and successful in attracting visitors to our websites and social media accounts,” said Gutowski.

“Working with the City of Spruce Grove on this redesign project has been a great experience, as it always is working with them. This redesigned site will be a great asset for showcasing all that the city has to offer,” said Aaron Brossoit, CEO of Golden Shovel Agency.

You can view the new website at

CITY OF SPRUCE GROVE is a mid-sized city of 35,000 people located in the Edmonton region, a robust hub of 1.3 million people. It is the service and supply destination for a trade area population of 138,000. Consumers appreciate the big-city amenities that Spruce Grove offers without the traffic and crowd congestion. It is also a proven industrial player in the region. Local, national and global companies find success here.

GOLDEN SHOVEL AGENCY is a full-service economic development marketing agency. Whether the goal is to attract and support great businesses or great talent, we are your specialists in the industry. We’ve helped hundreds of communities across North America to shape and tell their stories in order to strengthen the vitality of their regional economies. Learn more at