New Alberta Innovates Funding Available to Advance Tech Projects in Smart Agriculture and Food

8 Jul 2021
EDMONTON, ALBERTA, July 8, 2021 – Alberta Innovates is pleased to announce a new round of funding is now available under the Smart Agriculture and Food Digitalization and Automation Challenge (SAFDAC).
SAFDAC supports projects that develop or advance smart technologies to increase productivity, reduce production costs or increase the value of Alberta’s agri-food commodities. Qualifying projects will provide solutions to challenges faced by the province’s agri-food sector and that clearly demonstrate social, economic and environmental benefits to Alberta.
Alberta Innovates is making up to $2 million CAD available in total for this round of funding, up to a maximum of $500,000 per project. The program is open to applicants including small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in either the agri-food or technology industries, industry associations, public and private research and development organizations, post-secondary institutions, and not-for-profit organizations.
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